Ieri mi e' arrivato questo messaggio per e-mail
We have discovered that your account (teopedra) may have been compromised by another party. Out of an abundance of caution, we have reset your password. Please follow the following steps to restore access.

Go to YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. and enter your username and verification code.
Check your email for a message from YouTube and click the link in the email to select a new password and complete the password reset process.
If you can no longer access your email account, please write back and we will try to resolve this issue.

At times there may be sites that appear to be YouTube, but in reality they are not. In order to avoid this situation, the best thing to do is to check the page's URL to confirm that the party represented really controls it. The key part of the URL is between the "http://" and the next slash ("/"), which indicates the end of a URL. This is the part of the URL that indicates the owner of the site.

A typical YouTube URL is the "global" page, which looks like:

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

In between the www and youtube, depending on the localized country page that you wish to access, it will have a two-letter code for that country.

In some cases, URLs will be a bit more complex; but make sure to check site listed immediately to the left of the top level domain (.com, .net, co., uk, etc.). Also, please make sure that the destination URL, or the one hyperlinked from YouTube is a trusted site before you click the link.

Because a forged URL can look much like a genuine one, it's safer to use a bookmark you've created or to type the URL into the location bar by hand instead of following links from your email or someone you don't know. This is especially true when the referral page asks you to to log in or provide private information.

If you find a page that you believe is pretending to be another page in an attempt to steal users' information, please report it to us here:

Google Safe Browsing: Report a Phishing Page

For more information and additional resources, please visit the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) website at APWG


- The YouTube Team
Non capisco perchè il mio account sia stato sospeso e sopratutto il motivo, da quanto capisco embra che qualcuno sia entrato con le mie credenziali ma non capisco cosa abbia fatto oltre a ciò, voi ci capite qualcosa di più?